Arty, colourful, iconic,
What is pop art?
POP ART is an artistic movement which emerged in the 50s in the United States, and developed in the 60s in Great Britain. It is characterised by the use of mass culture imagesThese include comic strips, advertisements, toys, everyday consumer products, etc.
A unique treatment
POP ART illustrations are often inspired by images from the popular culturesuch that celebrities, fashion icons, food products, etc.etc.
POP ART illustrations are often colourful, vibrant and use strong contrasts. POP ART artists often use collage and superimposition techniques to create surreal and surprising images. Images are often simplified to emphasise their iconic nature, like everyday consumer objects.These are often stylised representations of objects such as cans or cigarette packets.
Here are a few POP ART creations and illustrations.
Integrated into the communication strategy, this graphic treatment has been chosen for all the visuals in the 2018 campaign of the village of MOMBRIER near Bordeaux.
The movement
POP ART illustrations are often associated with the aesthetics of advertising and mass consumption. POP ART artists seek to criticise consumer society by using images from popular culture as a means of social commentary. POP ART illustrations highlight the influence of advertising and the media on individuals and society in general.
POP ART became very popular in the 60s and 70s and was used in many fields, such as fashion, advertising, graphic design and even architecture. POP ART illustrations have also influenced many later artists and artistic movements, such as Pop culture, Street art and even modern graphic design.
In short, POP ART illustrations are a means of artistic expression that use images from popular culture to create colourful, vibrant and iconic works. These illustrations are often used to criticise consumer society by highlighting the advertising and media images that surround us. POP ART illustrations have had a huge impact on art and popular culture, and continue to draw inspiration from these images to create surprising and memorable works.
+ coloured
+ fun!
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